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St. Petersburg Sedation Dentistry

Don’t let dental anxiety stop you from getting the care you need

Have You Been Avoiding the Dentist?

You are not alone.

Would you rather endure the agony of a toothache than step foot into a dentist’s office? Does the idea of a teeth cleaning make you squirm with fear?

You’ve come to the right place.

We help nervous patients every day. Dr. Sherberg has worked with thousands of patients to overcome their fear of the dentist. He’s one of few dentists also certified in both Oral and IV Sedation Dentistry. You can finally relax at the dental office and get the dental work that you need done, sometimes in just one appointment!

Together we’ll form a plan to correct any problems you have — and you will be comfortable throughout the work — oftentimes with little memory of it at all.

“Not only do we offer sedation dentistry with a medical anesthesiologist, but we also promise no lectures or judgment, ever. I know this helps us treat the patients who say “I hate the dentist!”

– Dr. Sherberg

Sedation can help you if:

  • You have trouble sitting still in the dentist's chair during a procedure
  • You have a bad and debilitating gag reflex
  • You have years worth of dental work that needs to be completed that is weighing you down
  • You had a painful or bad dental experience in the past
  • You simply want to get the treatment done quickly

Kathy was thrilled that she was able to comfortably get a Full Smile Makeover with IV Sedation

“I don’t like dentists. I haven’t liked them since I was a child. I’d like to be sedated for everything”


Sedation Dentistry FAQs

What Types of Dental Sedation Are Offered at Bayway Dental?

The type of sedation best for you will depend on several factors, such as your anxiety level, your specific procedure or surgery, your medical history and medications and your personal preference. We offer IV Sedation, Oral Conscious Sedation, and Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas).

What is IV Sedation?

This type of sedation dentistry is the deepest form of conscious sedation available in a dental clinic. Dr. Sherberg has received advanced sedation training and is a certified DOCS provider. He employs an anesthesiologist (medical doctor) to administer IV Sedation at the office. Both the medical doctor and dentist are fully dedicated to you for the entirety of your procedure/surgery. The anesthesiologist administers sedative medications directly to you via an IV line and monitors your vitals while Dr. Sherberg performs the procedure.

Most patients who receive IV sedation in our office fall asleep and have little to no memory of their procedure after they wake up. This form of dental sedation is best for people receiving certain dental implant surgeries, lengthy procedures and/or who have severe dental anxiety.

What is Oral Conscious Sedation?

Oral Conscious Sedation is a more common type of dental sedation where you receive sedative medication in a pill form prior to your procedure. This type of dental sedation often makes patients feel very relaxed and sometimes they may fall asleep. It is best for people who have lengthy procedures and/or who have some dental anxiety.

What is Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas)?
Commonly known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is administered through a face mask or nosepiece during your procedure. The gas has a calming effect that wears off quickly once the nosepiece is removed. This dental sedation is best for people with a little anxiety who may need help getting through a shorter procedure or a dental cleaning.

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  • Take our VirtualConsult to find out options without sitting in the chair!
  • Call (727) 914-2707 to schedule your initial consultation, advanced imaging, and solution workup.
  • Email us your questions or set up your in-office consult!